


We sat down with Shaeye to learn more about her experience in the 护理程序, 以及她转变为护士教育工作者的过程.

Military veterans have a lot of relevant experience to share after their service to the country is over, 和 many of them are choosing a career in nursing to help meet 不断增长的需求.

Shaeye Frierson, a nursing instructor at Herzing大学, joined the 军事 at 年龄 22, in hopes of building a better life for her 2-year-old son. 她在海军医院当了11年医护兵, 通过几次部署, 她意识到自己对帮助他人有一种真正的热情.

In 2010, Shaeye applied her Post-9/11 GI Bill funds toward nursing school at Herzing, 而她的母亲则帮她抚养两个年幼的孩子. 她现在一边教书一边攻读硕士学位 护理类 at Herzing, 和 serving as an unofficial mentor for 军事 vets on campus.

We sat down with Shaeye to learn more about her experience in the 护理程序,以及她向职业生涯的过渡 护士教育工作者.


I always knew I wanted to go into the medical field, but I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do. When I joined the 军事, I was offered a medic position 和 I really enjoyed it. 我升职了,变得更加 对工作充满热情. 软件下载的战友们的生命都依赖于软件下载. 我认为没有比这更有价值的职业了. 那时我就知道我想从事护理工作.


挑战是什么?? In the 军事, your education is so fast, 和 you get used to learning that way. 速成课程非常适合我, 和 I excelled because of my medical training 和 my experience with learning at that pace.

平衡工作和学习的需求 can be challenging at times, 和 a lot of students struggle with that at first, especially in an 加速程序. I created a schedule for myself, setting aside time for homework, work, sleep, 等., because that's how you're programmed to do things in the 军事. It worked for me, 和 I share that tip with a lot of my students. 这似乎对他们也有效.

What are some of the differences between civilian healthcare 和 军事 healthcare?

A hospital corpsmen in the Navy can do pretty much everything a civilian nurse can do, 和 more. Our medical training in the 军事 is often more advanced 和 accelerated than a traditional 护理程序 because we have to know how to h和le a lot of different situations.

For example, in 2004, I was deployed on a ship for eight months. 软件下载船上只有一个医生. 如果一个人生病了, they would come to us – the corpsmen—和 we would treat them or provide recommendations for the doctor to sign off on. We had more autonomy than a civilian nurse because that’s the only way you can ensure everyone receives the care they need.


我于2013年毕业于Herzing,并获得了BSN. I had become a mentor 和 resource for other 军事 veterans on campus, 和 when the dean asked me if I wanted to be an instructor I accepted. 学生 with a 军事 background need someone to help them navigate the transition to an accelerated 护理程序, 我可以成为那样的人,因为我自己就做到了. 我现在在 MSN护士教育计划 预计2020年1月毕业.


的 most rewarding part about my job is giving back to the university that helped me become the nurse I am today. I love helping out the 军事 veteran students – even those that aren’t in the 护理程序. 我通常在迎新时就知道他们是谁了, 和 make an effort to meet with them 和 ask about their concerns, 如果他们在福利方面需要帮助, 等. 我想帮助他们成功.

What advice would you offer to other veterans who want to pursue a healthcare career?

I would say Herzing is the perfect school for a 军事 veteran, 尤其是如果你想成为一名护士. 的 加速BSN程序 is a smooth transition because the pace of learning is similar to what you’re used to. We also have incredibly supportive instructors to help you every step of the way.

Learn More 关于 Our 护理 Degree Options for Military Medics


*美国劳工统计局(BLS).S. 劳工部, Occupational Employment 和 W年龄 Statistics 2023 / Occupational Outlook H和book 2022. BLS estimates do not represent entry-level w年龄s 和/or salaries. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, 年龄, 你想要工作的地理市场和学位领域, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the aver年龄 salaries calculated by BLS for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation from its program will result in a job, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.

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